Welcome in my world >_> Skins, Themes, Wallpapers,............

Sep 24, 2009 11:20 PM by Discussion: Community

Hello everyone,

i guessed it was time to give some news about me and my stuff...

First stuff: i'm still working on my suite and on the dxthemes and widgets (weather mater) when i've some time [e digicons]:S[/e] .

And here i come with the about me; I've been a little busy trying to get my health at the top.

For those who don't know it i've some slipped disk on the back and i'm at home cause of them since 29 months now.

I guess the way i push [e digicons]:banhammer:[/e] the doctors to use is the right one.

I keep taking my meds but since 9 months i'm doing weight training and fitness. It help me a lot to handle the pain and maybe at the end (end is not the right word cause i'll need to continue this training all my life) to go back to work  .

And the good thing with this is i went from 97kg / 213.85 lb to 87kg / 191.8 lb (for 182cm / 5.97 feet) [e digicons];P[/e]

My daughter grows well (110cm / 3.61 feet and 16kg / 35.27lb at 4 years old [e digicons]:-"[/e] ) She's a little devil sometimes [e digicons]}:)[/e] but i'm truly happy to be her dad. [e digicons]O:)[/e]

Now you know why i'm not involving that much on forums these days. But i keep moderate and when i get some time i'm trying to read all the post i missed. [e digicons]:X[/e]

I wish you all are doing fine and i don't forget you. [e digicons]:sun:[/e]


Btw: i stop smoking (without any help) since 12 days [e digicons]\o/[/e]

34 Replies Reply 15 Referrals

Jul 10, 2009 1:21 AM by Discussion: DesktopX

Hello everyone,

I don't think i'll have the time to update all my widgets/themes/suites containing weather quickly.

So until i get that time i pushed out of public area (own decision) all my stuff with weather.

Sorry about this.


When i'll get the time they will come back.



13 Replies Reply 18 Referrals

Jan 18, 2009 10:04 AM by Discussion: Community

Hello everyone [e digicons]O:)[/e]
Long time without writing anything in english then please be kind with me [e digicons]:pout:[/e]

As some know i've some slipped disks since almost 1.5 years now and cause of them i'm at home since, eating meds like candies and often locked on bed. [e digicons]:waaaa:[/e]

On last May/June i've got many financial problems cause of this situation.
When it happened that (cause of this all) i wasn't able to pay my bills or even to buy food for my daughter (when she was at home) , the community has been there for me and allow me with prayers, thoughts and donations to eat for almost 3 months. [e digicons]k6[/e]

I can only said and BIG BIG thanks to everyone who helped me (by thoughts or financially or both) [e digicons]:smitten:[/e]

This gave me the time to put some things in order.
Now i'm only waiting for some administrative decisions about my finances. It's always hard to pay everything each months but at least now i've some help every month to buy some.

Beside this, i began this month my physical rehabilitation at the hospital what hopefully will take me back to work in few months (crossed-fingers).

With all these things and my health i didn't take the time to run the forums/mails/moderation everyday (even everyweek sometimes) [e digicons]:typo:[/e] but that doesn't means i forget my friends and this wonderful community. [e digicons]:pizza:[/e]

Since 2005, this Site and people who run it helped me in so much ways, it's positively incredible.
So thanks my friends, Wincustomize and SD staff. [e digicons]:smitten:[/e]

25 Replies Reply 8 Referrals

Taskbar on Vista went crazy

May 16, 2008 10:42 AM by Discussion: WindowBlinds
I found something odd
I'm a bit lost there and ask for help...
Sounds like if it's a skinning thing that some of my settings are wrong but the hell i know which one  X-(
cause it appear only on Vista (look at XP screenshot - the last one)

The Quicklaunch icons went under Startbutton :SURPRISED:

If it's a WB thing well i'd like to know it too
Any thoughts/ideas?


5 Replies Reply 8 Referrals

May 13, 2008 11:35 PM by Discussion: Community

Well where begin?...

Some may wondering where i'm and what i'm doing cause since some months my only submissions has been some wallpapers packs and i wrote only few posts.

In fact, as some already know i've health problems (especially my back) so i often keep bed, sometimes for weeks.

I also keep moderating skins' queues, looking on the galleries and reading almost everything posted on WC and some posts/articles on JoeUser and Stardock.

Talking about skinning, i'm currently working on a new suite for now called "Moon's Tears". It will include a WB (see screenshot) and others usual components like an IP, wallpaper, LogonXP and Vista, Bootskin, DX things ;) ,.... well if you know Arileen Suite you see the idea :LOL:

So a lot of work hehe.... Those who know me know i love challenges and this year will be full of this ones

In "real" life, i work to solve my health problems and financial ones (yep been at home for a year and not been able to work don't help your bank account lol); i've anyway some good personals news like after a year single and after a divorce, i found a new girlfriend, or did she found me? hum...
No she's not inflatable it's a true woman and a wonderful one.
My daughter grows very well.

In "the other world" ;) , well a suite in building, my personal site too, moderation, and some articles/tutorials ideas to write and post....

Well now you know ;)

24 Replies Reply 9 Referrals

Mar 3, 2008 12:53 PM by Discussion: Community
This morning i saw i got a new award on my personal page here (at least this one i understood it  ;)  )

 Top 50 Total Downloads

(wishing i'll keep it more than a week hehe)

Well without jokes, i thought it was time again to say thanks to everyone who supported me and those who downloaded and commented my stuff. help me everyday to grow in life (despite personal's problems) since almost 18 months.
I found a passion in skinning and so many good friends and since some months a good team to work with.

So i use this milestone to take the time to say thanks you all. And especially all the friends i found here.


*Quentin runs away and hides

33 Replies Reply 5 Referrals

Well we have already seen how to download and upload in Island Dog Articles:
Wincustomize Download Guide
Wincustomize Upload Guide

But i wanted to show the files/previews to upload for each galleries on Wincustomize.


For all skins' galleries, they have to be in .Jpg and to be a full size screenshot.
For Dream you have the option to have a motion preview in .swf (flash)
Make sure that your preview image is an actual representation of what the submission looks like.
Preview images should be at a minimum 1024x768, but higher previews are recommended.


Do not upload .rar files if you need to archive your submission you must use .zip

    • Avatar .jpg 50px and .png 50px
    • beatnik .bnSkin
    • Bootskin .bootskin
    • CursorXP/FX .curxptheme
    • DesktopX Objects .dxpack
    • DesktopX Themes .dxtheme .desktop
    • DesktopX Widgets .exe
    • Dream .dream
    • Emoticons
    • FireFox .jar
    • Google Gadgets .gg
    • Graphics .psd .png ... pictures files
    • IconPackager .ip
    • IM Goodies
    • LiteStep .lsz
    • Logons .logonxp
    • LogonStudio Vista .logonvista
    • Maxthon .m2s
    • Misc. Icons .ico
    • ObjectBar2 obpack
    • ObjectDock .dockzip
    • Progress Anims .wba
    • Rainlendar
    • RightClick
    • Screen Savers .scr .exe
    • ScreenShots .jpg
    • Sidebar Gadgets .gadget
    • Sidebar Styler .wsstyles
    • Sound Schemes .soundpack
    • Suites .suite
    • SysMetrix .smx
    • Toolbar Icons .wba
    • WallPapers .jpg
    • Widgets for SkinStudio .guiwidget
    • WinAmp .wal .wsz
    • WindowBlinds .wba
    • WindowFX
    • WinMedia .wmz
    • Winstep
    • Xion .xsf
You can notice that for each galleries Zip are allowed.
To include a permission text/email; or if you have severals skins to upload (when you have the same skins but in differents colors or sizes it's better to upload them together than separetly); for skins without original extensions like rainlendar or rightclick, or a read-me file.

Notes also that files like icons, executables, pictures it's better to zip them even if it's only one.

For Avatars, your avatar on Wincustomize must be in 50 pixels per 50 pixels and in Jpg but you can also add a .png version of it.

Misc. Icons have to be .Ico files (no .png , png icons must go under ObjectDock gallery) designed to work under XP or/and Vista so need to contains the common icons sizes for those OS


When you use someone else graphics/codes or whatever you must get a permission from the original author. When you have it you must include it in your upload. So you will need to use .zip.


Your description should give the best informations about your submission and Credit authors if needed.
Your description shouldn't contains any advertisements or whatever not allowed in this site.

More informations in Wincustomize Guidelines or for Dream additional Guidelines

22 Replies Reply 20 Referrals

Dec 2, 2007 11:52 AM by Discussion: Tutorials
I made 2 themes in resolutions independentes to allow you to see how it's build

You can download them here

I write this post to allow users to ask questions and us (not only me) to answer them

The idea it's like that no mater your level in dx building you'll can learn how made a DX theme in resolution independente

the Zip contains also the screenshots i put here

So open them, look at them, and go head and ask your questions
18 Replies Reply 15 Referrals

Oct 7, 2007 10:24 PM by Discussion: Stardock Support General
Hey i'll hopefully received my new pc this week with Vista
and I KEEP the XP one too (not so crasy )

Statement: I'm a full ODNTsub and i've DXpro ODplus CURXPplus and Keepsafe

1°/could i install those softwares on the new pc as well as the old one?

2°/ How works Multiplicity on my setup:
1_Vista home premium

thanks for any answers you can give me
and sorry if i don't answer back i'm a little off of internet this time
6 Replies Reply 8 Referrals

Oct 1, 2007 12:37 PM by Discussion: Tutorials
SkinStudio 6 (Beta) Overview

First when we open SKS6 we have the choice between "I am new..." and "I am experienced..."
We'll choose "I am experienced..." cause all options are displayed for this overview, but the great new feature with SKS6
is that we can choose as beginner the "I am new..." and left out some option like animations.

Click here to see full size

Now the options: first one we'll choose the editor for pictures.
Here like i've Photoshop 7 i'm gonna choose it as custom editor.
We can notice some others options; like "Do not convert TGA to PNG" and "Show tree in edit windows"
interesting options cause SKS6 by default convert TGA with alpha channel to PNG with transparency so if you don't want that enable this option.
We will see the tree option later.

Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size

Now that our preferences are set, we will create a new skin. To do that simply click on "New skin" at the top left of the window.
Then we have the choice (again) between "WindowBlinds Basic" and "WindowBlinds advanced" well we take advanced cause they are more flexible.
We enter a new name like "My first WB" and press enter.

Click here to see full size Click here to see full size

For this Overview i'll use Arileen my last WB. So we'll open it at the top left of SKS6 window under "New skin" we'll press "Open skin".
A new window appear we select Arileen on the list and we'll press open.
We could press also copy to make a copy of the skin to work on it.

Click here to see full size

Like Arileen has severals substyles a popup window appear where we'll choose the substyle to work on.

Click here to see full size

Now the skin open that's how SKS6 is displayed. First "Full Preview" of the skin.
Then "Edit Controls" with severals menus where we'll see "buttons" "toolbars"....
Then "Start Menu and Taskbar"...
Well lets see all of them in the following Pictures.

Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size

We'll see Colors and fonts later.
The next Picture show how looks the "Tree view" can bee useful especially at the end of the WB building to check out all the settings and see if we haven't forget something.

Click here to see full size

Well Now we'll open in "Edit Controls" the "Edit Button" section.
Like we can see there are displayed at the top of the new window a preview of how looks the buttons.
Under the Preview there are "Force Image Reimport press F5" to refresh the preview, "Apply" button to apply the skin to see how it looks in real,
A rollbox to choose witch states we want in the preview (here normal state but we can choose to see Mouse over or press...)
An other to choose the background color of the preview.
The search icon is to open the Zoom useful to see your skin with a new regard
Beside "Color Preview margins" checkbox we have a symbol click on it to open a new window where we can set the margins
Yes we can set them without open it. But on this new window we can resize the picture larger than in the main window.
Useful for window's borders or high pictures
At the Left side we have the different sections for this controls. Be sure to see all of them.

Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size

We have also different tabs Image (we'll see later), Glyph (an other way to make buttons like for titlebar buttons we can make a general background picture for all of them and a glyph like a X for the close button)
,Animation (where to enter the animation settings like for a start button animated), Painting margins (where to set the margins), Text (where to set the text margins, fonts and colors of the text)
Tools, Coloring mask, and Help(important that's show us the different states for the pictures we have to set.)

Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size

So from the "Help" tab we can see that the button need 5 states.
Well we'll import the picture that we have made previously.
Press "Import" button a popup appear press the browse button and choose your picture.
Here like we import a TGA with transparency and translucend and then with a Alpha channel, we'll select the checkbox "This image has transparent parts" and "this image has alpha channel".
If it was a Bmp with only transparency (and then with Magic pink) we has only select the first one.

Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size

Now that we have import a new image we'll set the image margins. Here like the picture was made in this way we'll stretch it.
A 0 stretching will looks like really weird. So we'll try different settings at the end we'll keep the best ones.
here that'll be a 7 in top/bottom/right/and Left.
Instead of stretch the picture we could also set it to "Tile the middle section", "Center Middle section",...

Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size

Now we'll set the Text margins, fonts and color of the font.
Be sure to set them for all states trough the rollbox.
We'll create a new color, go to the "Change skin color" "create a new color" see the image it explain better than text
Back to the button in text tabs choose the new color from the rollbox. Good
Hum back the black anyway lol
Now the fonts go to "Change skin Fonts" "add new font" select the font name, the size, the decoration (bold, underline,...) press ok.
Back to the button and select the new font (like the color)

Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size

New in SKS6, we can make skin for Vista too.
Look to the symbol for each XP and Vista specific section we have the XP or vista logos or both when the section is for both.
If a setting has no logos it's for XP and Vista.

On Vista the pictures for certain sections aren't build in the same way as XP
In the following case it's build with states not by buttons.
Like this one: We have to built the left and right arrow together and by states:Mouse over, Normal,...
Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size

OR we have also an other way to built the picture instead of horizontally we can built them vertically
In this case after import we have to select the checkbox "This image has frames stacked vertically

Click here to see full size Click here to see full size Click here to see full size

Well we have seen a little part of SKS6 now go head and see all others by yourself.

I hope this will help someone a little

Download the Article as PDF zipped Download the Article as PDF

the WB skin displayed in this tutorial is "Arileen"
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